
Article about the project on the Grenef webpage

RIS-RESTORE partners From University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology prepared a short article for the wider interested public about the RIS-RESTORE project activities, highlighting the need for innovation in this filed in the ESEE region.


Photo: Article about RIS-RESTORE activities in Grenef magazine.

The complete article (in Serbian) is available at: https://bit.ly/3KHn5TK




Workshop in Greece

RIS-RESTORE partners from Greece, Mytilineos and National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) organized on the 8th of December with the support of other partners and coordinator ZAG workshop for the Greek ecosystem.

The workshop was entitled “Towards the successful valorization of Bauxite Residue: problems / challenges for the implementation of new solutions & value chain creation”. The event included a set of five lectures and a virtual round table discussion on technological solutions for red mud processing, issues in this field and examples of good practice. The event brought together 23 experts from the Greek ecosystem and highlighted the need for implementation of many currently investigated innovations into practice and industrial size. There is strong need form industry actors and the whole ecosystem needs to put more efforts in next years to overcome all challenges, from technological to the policy related.

The workshop was organized in the frame of the 6th Greek raw materials community dialogue – event which was focused on “social licence to operate” – which is crucial aspect also for all red mud re-processing projects.


Photo: Greek workshop agenda.




Project activities presentation on the EMC21 conference

An international conference, the 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC21) was held in Novi Sad from November 30 to December 3, 2021, and the RIS RESTORE partner's University of Banja Luka team University of Novi Sad were among the participants.


Photo: EMC conference Book of abstracts title page.

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Seminar in Banja Luka – presentation of RIS-RESTORE activities

The University of Banja Luka hosted a live seminar within the project RIS RESTORE. Seminar was titled „Primary and secondary raw materials in modern materials engineering“ and was held on October 21, 2021.


Photo: RIS-RESTORE partners at the event in Banja Luka.

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RIS-RESTORE project presented on the European Aluminum event; Cross fertilization workshop - Towards a more sustainable alumina production in Europe

European Aluminum (https://www.european-aluminium.eu/), the umbrella association of the European aluminum industry and value chain stakeholders, prepares strategic plans and action plans as part of open events and workshops and consultations with its members and plays an important role in shaping European policies in the areas of the aluminum industry. To this end, on 23 and 24 September, the European Aluminum Association conducted an online workshop “Cross fertilization workshop - Towards a more sustainable alumina production in Europe”.


Photo: Event promotional banner.

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Project meeting of RIS-RESTORE partners from Zagreb and Banja Luka

The research team of the RIS RESTORE project from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka, visited the Geological Department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Zagreb within the RIS RESTORE project activities.


Photo credit: UNIBL

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RIS-RESTORE project activities presented at the 7th International Congress “Engineering, Environment and Materials in the Process Industry”, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Congress was held 17-19th March and attended by about 50 scientists from the region with remote participation of lecturers from several European countries. Sunčica Sukur, B.Sc, together with colleagues from “Alumina” d.o.o. Dragana Smiljanić, B.Sc, and Đurđa Oljača, B.Sc, presented the results of the RIS RESTORE project in collaboration with colleagues from the National Technical University of Athens at the poster entitled ”Study of transformative potential of hematite ultramicro particles as a dominant phase in red mud.

Figure 1: UNIBL team at the poster presentation on the 7th International Congress (Photo: UNIBL)

Figure: UNIBL team at the poster presentation on the 7th International Congress (Photo: UNIBL).




RIS-RESTORE project presented at the workshop in Banja Luka

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics from University of Banja Luka organised a hybrid seminar entitled “Learn from the Best: Environmental Solutions for Bosnia and Herzegovina Future” was held on March 3rd. The Faculty of Science had the honor and pleasure to host His Excellency Mr. Makoto ITO, Ambassador of Japan in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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resentation of the RIS-RESTORE project at the BN TV

The RIS-RESTORE project team from Faculty of Science, University of Banja Luka received the national prize for the best scientific team and was therefore presented on their regional BN TV. Among their other activities, the RIS-RESTORE project objectives and current activities were presented as well.

The video clip (in local language) is available on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voFXJPGSYMU&ab_channel=BNTV

Congratulations to the Banja Luka team from all partners in the RIS-RESTORE consortium!




Published review article entitled “Recent Patents in Reuse of Metal Mining Tailings and Emerging Potential in Nanotechnology Applications”

The RIS-RESTORE team from Faculty of Science, University of Banja Luka published a review article in the topic of recent patents in reuse of metal tailings and their potential in nanotechnology applications. The topic is connected to the emergence of innovative activities, which are performed in the frame of RIS-RESTORE project.

The full article is available on: https://www.eurekaselect.com/189463/article 





News about the RIS-RESTORE project published on “Portal Luca” in Montenegro

The summary of RIS-RESTORE activities in Montenegro were published in Portal Luca. Link to the original article - Read more.



23.12. 2020 

Sampling in Podgorica successfully executed!

The sampling campaign at the Podgorica red mud deposit was successfully completed. Partners TH Mining, WEG Kolektor and University of Ljubljana-FNST managed to collect 15 tonnes of red mud.



Figure: Sampling in Podgorica red mud tailing.



Figure: Cores from drilling on Podgorica red mud tailing.




RIS-RESTORE project disseminated on TV show  in Bosnia and Hercegovina.

RIS-RESTORE project was promoted in the emission Kvadrat na znanje (“Knowledge to the second”) at Radio Televiziјa Republike Srpske (RTRS) from Bosnia and Hercegovina.

You can check the video-clip in Serbian language below, the chapter about activities of University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry starts after 9.36 minutes. Assist. prof. dr Suzana Gotovac Atlagić presents their work and current activities in the frame of RIS-RESTORE project.





17.10. 2020 

First RIS-RESTORE workshop in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On Friday, October 16, 2020, the first Workshop within the RIS-RESTORE project was held in Bosnia and Herzegovina The full name of the Workshop held i was the POTENTIAL FOR VALORIZATION OF RED MUD IN BIH. The workshop was attended by project partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla, Alumina d.o.o. Zvornik and the Federal Institute of Geology, Sarajevo. The event was also attended by representatives of mines, policy makers in the mining, science, technology and innovation sectors, representatives of companies, development agencies, researchers and investors – in particular, representatives of the Faculty of Mining, University of Banja Luka, Mining Institute in Prijedor, Faculty of Chemistry and Agriculture Belgrade, Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska and the company for geological research IBIS-ENGINEERING.



Figure: Workshop attendees.


More information and pictures available here.




Activities and preliminary results of the RIS RESTORE project presented in ECOPOLE21, Poland

The 30th traditional Central European and International Conference ECOPOLE21′ was organized In Krakow, Poland, from 08.-10.10.2020, by the Polish Society for Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. 

The RIS RESTORE project was presented by an oral presentation of the preliminary results of four RIS-RESTORE partners from Bosnia and Hecegovina presented live by  assist . prof.  Suzana Gotovac Atlagić from the University of Banja Luka.


More information available here



Figure: Assist . prof.  Suzana Gotovac Atlagić presenting the RIS-RESTORE project in ECOPOLE21 conference.



2nd meeting of RIS-RESTORE consortium

The second meeting was as well held online on 22th of July and included all task partners on board, in total 21 participating organizations!

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Kick off meeting of the RIS-RESTORE project

The RIS-RESTORE project successfully kicked-off with the online meeting of 11 project partners on 13th of May.

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